The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Episode 60: Election Day 2012: A Chat with Brad McMillan

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TV60 thumb mcmillanAn interview with Brad McMillan, executive director of the Institute for Principled Leadership in Public Service.


Episode 59: A Quest for Excellence: A Talk with Glen Barton

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TV59 thumb bartonAn interview with Glen Barton, co-founder and now president of the board of Quest Charter Academy.


Episode 57: It's Finally Here! A chat with Jim Richerson

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TV57 thumb richersonAn interview with Jim Richerson, president and CEO of the new Peoria Riverfront Museum.


Episode 58: The Civic Center at 30: Chatting with Jim Wetherington

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TV57 thumb wetheringtonAn interview with Jim Wetherington, general manager of the Peoria Civic Center.


Episode 56: Junior Achievement: A Conversation with Larry Timm

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TV56 thumb timmAn interview with Larry Timm, president of the Junior Achievement of Central Illinois office since 2004.


The McCord legacy will live on

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 As our regular readers know, one of our missions of this website and its sisters, the magazine and television show also named The Peorian, is to celebrate Peoria.

When we say that, we don't refer to only Peoria the city. We don't mean only the region that is commonly referred to as Peoria. We go well beyond boundaries and streets, bricks and mortar; we look also into the hearts and souls of its people.

Peoria is...


Don't blame Marcia; the mistake was mine

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As much as any of us in the media try to be perfect, we make mistakes. Some are factual and normally they are the worst. They can be corrected, of course, but often not until damage is done.

Sometimes, however, a mere typo can be even worse. That is particularly true when that typo comes in a direct quote and on a word that, when written incorrectly, can change the entire dynamic of the quote.

Such was the case in our most recent...