The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Video shows you cannot ignore red lights

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American Traffic Solutions (ATS), the leading road safety camera provider in North America, wants drivers to see this year's compilation of the worst red-light running crash videos and realize...


Spending survey: Expect record web sales this holiday season

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cart picRetailers could see record web traffic this year, according to  Read more...

Windows 10 will be available July 29

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microsoft3Microsoft Corp. announced Monday that Windows 10 will be availableJuly 29in 190...


Card issuers loses billions each year from fraud

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lexisA comprehensive card issuer fraud study,

Streight: Ctrl - Alt - Delete

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keyboardI tell my wife this all the time: "You'll see this on WMBD TV or cable news in about two days, maybe a week."

Referring to something I've already been notified about by social media. I have researched and cross-linked the item on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. and perhaps even written a blog post about it.

Being connected...


Can Your Fitness Tracker Save Your Life in the ER?

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Emergency physicians used a patient's personal activity tracker and smartphone to identify the time his heart arrhythmia started, which allowed them to treat his...


Streight: About Obamacare website, youTube subscribers

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The Obamacare website is a usability nightmare. Like many companies with complex, high traffic websites the developers must have not conducted adequate user observation tests or functionality checks. Although server overload is the primary problem, various aspects of the site are broken.

Web developers should watch and learn from this unfortunate situation.
