The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Encouraging numbers from library

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I am one of those who is concerned about how technology is affecting the written media, such as newspapers and magazines. And of course, books.

With that, I am concerned about the future of the public library. With the invention of the e-reader and the different devices now equipped to perform that function, how much longer before holding a book or magazine in our hands will be so obsolete that libraries and bookstores will not be needed?


The Peorian Rewind: Merry Christmas! A conversation with Monsignor Stanley Deptula.

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Episode 15An interview with Monsignor Stanley Deptula, vice chancellor of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria and head of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation.



Episode 65: Turn on the Lights! A look at the East Peoria Festival of Lights

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TV65 thumb folepiAn interview with Dan Cunningham, chairman of the Festival of Lights, and Doug McCarty, head of operations for the parade and for Winter Wonderland.


The Peorian Rewind: An interview with former mayor Jim Maloof

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tv14 thumb maloofThe Peorian takes a look back at Paul Gordon's December 2011 interview with former mayor Jim Maloof.



Small Business Saturday grows; also, kudos to McConoughey

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The buying public continues to embrace Small Business Saturday as statistics, local and national, show the event got bigger again this year, it's third in existence.

In fact, half of the retailers said they had more shoppers on Small Business Saturday than they did the previous day, the infamous Black Friday, according to the Heartland Partnership and the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).


I'm tired of asking 'why?'

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 As I sat Friday morning absorbing the news about the tragedy in Newtown, Conn., my thoughts turned to the night before, at Hinds School in Peoria. I sat with a couple hundred others watching the students there sing Christmas songs.

My twin granddaughters are the kind of kids who really get into music and it was so much fun watching them dancing on the risers on stage, singing loudly and having a blast. I smiled more than I had in...


Episode 64: Singing Praises: A look at Grace Family Christmas

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TV64 thumb graceAn interview with The Peorian's film and book critics about what's coming out this holiday season and the top holiday films and books.