The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Episode 63: Happy Holidays! A Look at Movies and Books

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TV62 thumb crowe ellisAn interview with The Peorian's film and book critics about what's coming out this holiday season and the top holiday films and books.


Isn't Black Friday enough?

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To me, Black Friday has never meant much more than a pain in the rear when I had to work that day and cover the hordes who found it necessary to risk life and limb and start shopping in the wee hours of the day after Thanksgiving.

I haven't had to do that in several years and so it has come to mean nothing, except an occasion to laugh at my beautiful bride and her daughter as they prepare to leave at 4 a.m. and I roll over and go back...


Episode 61: Moving Forward: Talking about the Warehouse District

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TV61 thumb spainAn interview with Peoria city Councilman Ryan Spain about the Warehouse District project.


Episode 62: Heartland Sound Staged: What's It All About?

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TV62 thumb crowe ellisAn interview with two of the producers of Heartland Sound Staged, a new TV show that focuses on unique bands performing in unique venues.


A Literarea Preview: 'Thomas Beckett: Warrior, Priest, Rebel'

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Thomas Beckett: Warrior, Priest, Rebel
By John Guy

The story of Thomas Beckett and King Henry the II has been told and retold over the centuries, but a new book “Thomas Beckett: Warrior, Priest, Rebel” by John Guy manages to find an interesting and engaging way to keep the story fresh.The prime lesson one takes away from this book? Never trust an ego-maniacal king no...


It's Smokeout time!

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I am a quitter. And, I am proud of it.

Last month I reached the five- year mark of being a non-smoker. It was one,of the hardest things I have done and in fact, like many others, I had quit probably a hundred times before finding a reason to light up again. 

After more than 30 years of smoking cigarettes, I realized quitting wasn't going to be an overnight success for me and so I usually thought, what was the point of trying?



You can make a difference; vote!

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One of my earliest memories of the political process is from election night, 1964. I rode with my Mom and Dad to the polling place so they could vote after they got off work.

They argued in the car on the way to the polling place because they didn't agree 100 percent on whom to vote for, LBJ or Barry Goldwater. Dad was staunchly Democrat and Mom was -- and still is, I think -- more independent and preferred to vote for the person she thought...