The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

AARP film award winners announced

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aarplogoAARP The Magazine has...


What and who will win Oscars this year?

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It’s that most wonderful time of year.  

Movie review: "Exodus" a mediocre effort

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(5 out of 10 stars)

(150 minutes. Rated PG-13 for violence, including battle sequences and intense images).


Movie review: 'Stars War: The Force Awakens' does not disappoint

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640px Star Wars Logo.svg(9 out of 10 stars)
(135 minutes. Rated PG-13 for science fiction violence.)

Unless you have been living on a remote part of Tatooine for the last two years, you could not have missed that “Star...


'Frozen' freezes out Halloween costume competition

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frozen costumeThis year, the costume mania award goes to . . . Hollywood!


Ralphie's rifle back home where it belongs

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Everyone has that one special gift they hoped to receive as a child. For Ralphie Parker, it was the "official Red Ryder carbine action, 200-shot, range model air...


Movie review: 'Fury' worth the price of admission

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fury-header(7 out of 10 stars)


(134 Minutes, Rated R for...


Review: 'Bridge of Spies' among Spielberg's best

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(8 out of 10 stars)

(141 minutes) 

(Rated PG-13 for some violence and brief strong language.)


Movie review: 'Guardians of the Galaxy' summer popcorn fun

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guardians poster via marvelGuardians of the Galaxy


Peoria movie 'College Debts' premieres Friday

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college debtsAaron Warr was sitting in the prison in Joliet several years ago when he decided to turn an idea for a film based on his life into a screenplay. So, armed with an ink pen and a yellow legal pad, he wrote the script without knowing whether it would really be made into a movie.



Movie review: Amazing Spiderman 2 flawed, but satisfies

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(7 out of 10 stars)

(142 minutes)

(Rated PG-13 for sci-fi action and violence)



Movie review: Wait for 'Jurassic World' on video

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(5 out of 10 stars)

(124 minutes.  Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and peril)


Wyman: And the nominees are ...

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oscarThe nominations for the 86th annual Academy Awards to be presented on March 2 have been announced.

Let the controversies begin their swirling.

Honestly, people. I am shocked that anyone feigns to be shocked themselves at anything the Academy does. If the history of the Oscars has taught us anything, it is that there will be that some films and actors will...


Who will win Oscar this year?

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It has been said that it is easier to predict the Powerball numbers than to pick the winners of the six main Oscar categories. That is obviously an exaggeration, but when one really gives it true consideration, it may not be too far from reality.

Trying to read and predict...


Movie review: Even Uncle Walt would have approved

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saving-mrbanks(8 stars)

(125 Minutes, Rated PG-13 for thematic elements including some unsettling images)

Walt Disney would have greatly approved of "Saving Mr. Banks."

"Saving Mr. Banks" is a delightfully sweet film that tells of the process trials, tribulations, and pratfalls of how Walt Disney (the man, not the company) obtained the movie...


Screen-to-Table Awards to be presented

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screen-to-table-blog-bannerJust in time for the Oscars, the inaugural Screen-to-Table Awards...


Movie review: 'Captain Phillips' well worth the price of admission

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(8 of 10 stars)

(134 minutes; Rated PG-13 for language, violence, drug use, and adult situations)

If you are looking for a well done action/thriller movie with authentic, fresh writing and some top-notch acting, then seek out Tom Hanks in "Captain Phillips."

Hanks does not get in front of the camera as much as he once did and if you look at his resumé you will see he...


Movie review: 'Imitation Game' a strong Oscar darkhorse

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(9 out of 10 stars)

imitation game poster(114 minutes. Rated PG-13 for sexual references, mature thematic material, and historical smoking)

The dark horse...


Movie review: Acting makes 'The Butler' worth the price of admission

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(Rated 6 out of 10 stars.)

(132 minutes. Rated PG-13 for some violence and disturbing images, language, sexual material, thematic elements, and smoking.)

Among the carnage of every summer's big-budget, wanna-be blockbusters, oftentimes a charming film emerges from the settling dust. This year, Hollywood has given us a winsome little picture, "Lee Daniel's The Butler," that in many ways is the best thing to which...


Movie review: "Birdman" should win the Oscar

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(9 out of 10 stars)

(119 minutes.  Rated R for adult language, sexual content and brief violence.)



Enjoy drive-in theaters on their 80th anniversary, while you still can

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The drive-in theater turned 80 years old this summer, but this summer is when Peoria's Landmark Drive-In started its first full season, continuing into September.

The first official drive-in theater was in Camden, N.J., which ushered in the era in 1933. By the mid-1950s one in four moviehouses in the country had an outdoor screen where people packed into cars, used playgrounds before sunset, ran to the concession stand and settled in to...