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Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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New app could help you manage stress

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hcsc logoHealth Care Service Corporation (HCSC), operator of health insurance plans in Illinois, Montana, New...


Not tech savvy? There's a new tablet built just for you

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Streight: Use technology to help a music career

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walshDave Grohl of the Foo Fighters gives antiquated, insufficient advice to aspiring musicians. His formula for success: be a "badass player of your instrument" and "play a lot of live gigs." He says, "I don't understand technology."



Study shows fourth-graders can effectively write with computers

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kids-computers-537x358An innovative pilot study administered as part of the National Assessment of Educational...


Streight: Mystery Surrounding Disappearance of Malaysia Airliner

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It's very unusual for a large airliner to just vanish. There are of course many nutty conspiracy theories floating around, but something seems extremely fishy here.

malaysia planeFast Company states:

"Here's what we do know: The flight disappeared on Friday night/Saturday morning en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The plane was at...


Streight: “Redskins” Problem Solved by Business Transformative Marketing

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Business Transformative Marketing is grass roots customer interaction supplying the sales pitches and promotional ideas, the sales approach, brochure language, blog post topics, and website content direction.

The business is then adapting, modifying and improving itself, according to the customers, rather than imposing a product upon them. It reflects the audience, so that customers’ needs, questions, and interests shape the corporation...


Streight: The Technological Illusion

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gearsWhen you buy into the hoax that technology is empowering, invincible, and inevitable, remember this: the attack on the World Trade Center on 9-11 was accomplished with... box cutters.

Yes, airplanes were also involved, but the primary tool that got the terrorist attack done via those jets was a wimpy little knife that is pathetic to anyone with self-defense training...


Streight: Do you suffer from FCD?

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facebook logoHow much of your life revolves around Facebook?

Are you in danger of losing your mind to Facebook Compulsion Disorder?

Take this quiz and see how deeply entrenched in your...


Streight: Ctrl - Alt - Delete

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keyboardI tell my wife this all the time: "You'll see this on WMBD TV or cable news in about two days, maybe a week."

Referring to something I've already been notified about by social media. I have researched and cross-linked the item on Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. and perhaps even written a blog post about it.

Being connected...