The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Streight: A powerful secret to nailing a job interview

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Want to get that job? Want to know the single most powerful secret to nailing a job interview?

Even if you're not asked, explain how you would solve a typical problem that is related to the job. Or, even better, ask what one of their toughest problems is at the company at which you're applying.

If they won't tell you what a major...


Do you suffer from FOMO?

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There is a mental health issue spawned by Facebook called FOMO. Fear of Missing Out.

FOMO is a serious condition. Do you know the signs?

When you see people posting about how happy they are, how much they love their children or husbands, or how much they like some toy or product, if you aren't experiencing these same joys, you can become jealous,...


Renaming and Redefining SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

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Matt Cutts, the SEO guru and spam assassin at Google, recently asked if SEO (search engine optimization) should be called something else.

My thoughts on renaming SEO:

(1) We should not optimize (improve to achieve the best possible condition) a website primarily for search engines, but for human users and search engines.

(2) User experience, usability, credibility, information foraging, navigational quality, and other human-centric...


Hummingbird: SEO is Now Blogging

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Hummingbird in the field. What will his probing yield?

No fake flowers, that's for sure. Its aim is true and will not blur.

Google has unleashed its new Hummingbird semantic search engine.

Hummingbird is Google's first major new search engine platform since 2001. SEO is now completely different and far more laborious. It means keeping up with, and grinding out answers...


Binary Code Lump: Why Facebook is Glitchy Sometimes

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You've seen it frequently on Facebook: somebody complaining or freaking out over something that isn't working right. A feature that suddenly vanished. The inability to post a comment, or a reply on a comment. Often the person expresses high frustration and exasperation.

Since Facebook works in an expected and routine manner most of the time, when something goes wrong, we may think it "means" something -- something bad. Are we being punished?



Streight: About Obamacare website, youTube subscribers

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The Obamacare website is a usability nightmare. Like many companies with complex, high traffic websites the developers must have not conducted adequate user observation tests or functionality checks. Although server overload is the primary problem, various aspects of the site are broken.

Web developers should watch and learn from this unfortunate situation.


Email is not "Broken" -- It's just "User Error"

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Have you noticed all the tech articles that rant about how email is "broken"? I've never been able to understand all the whining and complaining about how bad email is. It's called "a relic of a bygone Internet era." Crammed email inboxes are blamed as sources of great stress and frustration.

People dream about "Inbox Zero" (all emails are replied to or deleted). They moan about "not being able to control who sends you email" and "not...


Get You Some Disconnection: Vehicles Are NOT Computer Workstations

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Converting an automobile into an internet connected workstation is a bad idea. Texting while driving is becoming illegal in many states and some have a ban on any type of cell phone use by novice drivers and school bus drivers.

There is also a heated discussion raging now about the possibility of law enforcement checking your cell phone use if you're involved in a car accident. If they can prove you were texting, checking email, posting...


So this SEO expert walks into a...

Log in to save this page., nightclub, tavern, saloon, dive, speakeasy, pub, lounge, honky tonk, roadhouse and orders a beer, brew, lager, ale, stout, cold one, drink, alcohol, liquor, liquid refreshment, intoxicating beverage and notices, spots, sees, looks at, identifies, recognizes, gazes at, surveys, pays attention to, picks up on his radar, stares at, observes a really beautiful woman, lady, gal, chick, female, girl, dame, lass, broad, widow, sweet young thing,...