The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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10 Tips to Lower Your Stress Level

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Stressed out? Have a million things to do in the next month? Feeling like you don't know what to do first with projects piled on your desktop? Are deadlines starting to stampede you like a wild herd of buffalos?

In an effort to minimize stress The Peorian and I are devoting a three-part series to minimizing and conquering stress. Each of the three parts will focus on a different aspect, including attitude, leisure hours, and work life....


Work, Leisure and Attitude

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30 ways to reduce your stress

Stressed out? Have a million things to do in the next month? Feeling like you don't know what to do first with projects piled on your desktop? Are deadlines starting to stampede you like a wild herd of buffalos?

In an effort to minimize stress The Peorian and I will devote a three-part series to minimizing and conquering stress. Each of the three parts will focus on a different...


Have You Cauhgt the Fever?

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Real or fanciful, spring fever can affect us all

Ah. Spring fever, when our thoughts go to romance and our hearts open to the possibilities. Poets, writers, and even psychotherapists cite the "powers" of spring fever. But, is spring fever a reality or just an iconic fantasy of dreamers everywhere?

Let's start with some of the common characteristics of spring fever. They might include:

• An increase...



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We need to take the time we get

It's almost summer and we're all dreaming of vacation time with family and friends, and images of relaxation and enjoyment.

But Americans tend to not be the best "vacationers." In fact, statistics show that Americans tend to take fewer vacation days than Europeans. You may be surprised to learn that Europeans take twice as many vacation days as Americans and many Europeans...