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Rebuilding Greatness: A Look at the Career of Shaun Livingston

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Very few NBA stars have risen so quickly -- and so young -- as Peorian Shaun Livingston. In 2004, the Los Angeles Clippers made him the #4 pick in the NBA draft, the highest ever a high school guard had been selected. And immediately this young man who just a year earlier was running the IHSA tournament was making his presence felt in the NBA. Then, just as quickly as his star rose, a devastating knee injury -- some say the most gruesome they've ever witnessed (his knee literarly looked like a pretzel) -- brought it all crashing down. How devastating? There was serious talk of amputation. Yes, amputation. But now, at the age of 27, Shaun is back in the NBA and showing flashes of pre-injury brilliance. Check out this great story on the Peoria basketball prodigee from

Here's Shaun at his best on the court:

And here he is recovering of one of the worst basketball injuries ever: