The Peorian


Last updateMon, 15 Jun 2020 10pm

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Taking a look at 'The Trip'

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On this week's episode of The Peorian on TV I have finally found the creative vehicle that combines my love for the literary, the culinary and the comedic. It's the film "The Trip" starring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon.

In this pseudo-documentary subtitled “eat, drink and try not to kill each other” Coogan is asked by The Observer to tour some of Britain’s finest restaurants for a special segment in the magazine....


Want to see Alice Cooper? Tell us about your dream concert and win tickets

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When word came out Monday that Alice Cooper was going to play the Civic Center in July, it sparked some interesting conversation among some of us at The Peorian office.

Of those in the discussion I am the oldest and probably most familiar with Alice Cooper yet I wasn't the only one who "oohed" when I read the email from the Civic Center. It got us to talking about people or groups we've seen in concert through the years and who we wish...


The Flag in Our Corner

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The Flag in Our Corner

The flag in our corner rates more than a glance,
For all that she stands for was not won by chance.
She's been battered and beaten, discarded and burned,
And the freedom she offers has often been spurned;
Yet she's ready and willing, when winds of war blow,
To proudly unfurl; then her true...


'Chicago' opens Friday at Peoria Players

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Perhaps it is America's fascination with the gangster era and celebrity crime, or maybe it's just the love of a good story with good music.

Either way, "Chicago" is one of America's favorite musicals and it will open Friday at Peoria Players Theatre.


'Children of Eden' opens Friday at Eastlight Theatre

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Since creation, parents have tried to protect their children from the evils of the world, only to one day be forced to let them go their own way.

Often, eating the apple is the path chosen despite warnings of the consequences.

That is the story of Adam and Eve and other passages in the Book of Genesis; it also is the basis of the musical "Children of Eden," which opens Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Eastlight Theatre in East Peoria. Tickets...


One and Only: the Untold Story of On the Road

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Authors: Gerald Nicosia and Anne Maria Santos

This is the essential, never-told tale of the third person who went on the road with Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady. In a sense, Lu Anne Henderson could be thought of as the fifth Beatle except, unlike Pete Best, she went along for the ride and was married to the leader of the band, which, in the case of the Beatles, would have been weird.

Over the years Lu Anne...


'Big River' opens Friday at Peoria Players

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The timeless story of Huck Finn and his adventure in helping at least one slave gain his freedom will take the stage at Peoria Players Theatre, opening Friday at 7:30 p.m.

"Big River," the musical based on Mark Twain's novel "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," will give eight performances, including two matinees. Show times are 7:30 p.m. on March 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 and 24 and at 2 p.m. March 18 and 25.

Tickets are $18 for adults...


Artist in Residence: John Selburg

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"Will money pay for all the days you lived awake but half asleep?"

The words above, a takeoff of lyrics contained in the Primitive Radio Gods song "Standing Outside a Broken Phone Booth" have special meaning to John Selburg. They represent his thoughts when he decided he wanted to pursue art as a career.

"To me, those words mean 'don't settle for safe.' That's what I was doing. I needed to do what I wanted...


Say it isn't so, Norm

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Stacy Peterson referred to Norm Kelly as "one of Peoria's treasures" the other night. I couldn't agree more.

Peterson, reference assistant for public programming and events for the Peoria Public Library, was introducing Norm before he spoke to nearly 170 people crammed into a meeting room at the library's new North Branch. It was the third of a scheduled four talks Norm is giving about Peoria's bawdy history.

I'm not going to review...