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Not For Profit
atti Bash has been de-
scribed as a one of the
most kind, warm-hearted
people one could hope to meet.
The founder of Hult Center for
Healthy Living has always been
a giver.
There will be a lot of people
lined up to see if she can take it,
as well.
Bash was bashed during a roast
in her honor Saturday, Sept. 14
at Weaver Angus Farm. Helping
do the roasting will be a pair of
former NFL quarterbacks — Jim
McMahon, who led the Chicago
Bears to the Super Bowl champi-
onship in 1986, and former top
draft pick of the Indianapolis
Colts from the University of Il-
linois Jeff George.
The event was Hult Center’s
th Annual Lobster Boil (or
roast, in this case), which is one
of the center’s chief fundraisers
each year to support its various
programs that promote healthy
living for children and adults
as well as counseling and other
programs for cancer patients and
their families.
It could be the biggest event
yet, said Kelsey Wright, coordi-
nator of marketing and develop-
ment at Hult Center.
We are really stepping up our
game this year. We’re going to
put up a 60-by-160 foot tent out at
Weaver Farms and we’re hoping
to get 500-plus out there,” Wright
said before the roast. “To hear
people trying to roast the kindest,
most giving person in the world
will be fun.”
Co-chairs of the event were
Chuck and Laurie Weaver and
Bernie and Teresa Koch.
On the center’s website Matt
George, Hult’s executive director,
doesn’t reveal too many details.
Well, let me tell you, the plans
we have in the works, you just
won’t want to miss it. This is no
longer an event, it’s a production
and we have many people help-
ing to ensure this is an evening
you will not forget,” he said.
Cancer, nutrition and healthy living programs
reach more people each year
Continued on page 50