Page 50 - The Peorian, Volume 2, Issue 2

Peorian Health
By Dr. Joy Miller
his segment will focus on
work stress. Commonly,
work is targeted as the
culprit for people’s high stress
levels. Typically, people state that
work stress is caused by impossi-
ble deadlines, demanding bosses,
unreasonable hours, and poor
pay. But as we learned in Part
One of our series, we can control
some of our stress by adjusting
how we think, feel, and react to
stressors in our workplace.
In part three of our series, we
will discuss how we impose some
of our workplace stressors on
ourselves and learn some tips for
reducing the tension and anxiety
in our jobs.
Research shows that American
workers are spending more hours
at work than ever before. Some
researchers say a typical family
assuming that both partners are
in the workforce) is putting in
more than 1,000 combined hours
per year more than was the case
years ago.
In this fast paced world, it
appears that many employees
feel trapped by technological ad-
vances. With cell phones, pagers,
faxes, and PALM Pilot messaging
systems, many employees feel
that they cannot get free from the
pressures of the job. With pres-
sure building at some positions,
many employees are battling the
dilemma by scheduling flex-
ible hours, trying 32-hour work
weeks, setting personal bound-
aries with overtime and taking
work home with them.
While some employees note
that mounting hours at work are
a stressor, others say just looking
at their desks is a source of stress.
Piled with paperwork, some
employees state their work space
makes them feel pressured and
Some people have found it
helpful to use the “touch it once”
technique to minimize stress. Jef-
frey Mayer, the author of “Win-
ning the Fight Between You and
Your Desk,” states, “Five seconds
here, two minutes there — it’s
subtle, but it really adds up.”
The basis of the technique is to
touch any new paperwork only
once. It is essential to make a
decision to throw it away, handle
the task that moment, get it onto
someone else’s desk, or create a
folder and file the paper away.
The goal is to create a system for
clearing your desk and an orga-
nized process for handling work.
The system seems elementary,
but it helps minimize those piles
of papers that become environ-
mental stressors.
Other employees have found
that making a workspace more
environmentally pleasing is
helpful in lowering stress. Play
peaceful music, or place pictures
around you that are pleasing.
Have something joyous to see
that reminds you of tranquility or
makes you laugh.
Stressed out? Have a million things to do in the next
month? Feeling like you don’t know what to do first with
projects piled on your desktop? Are deadlines starting to
stampede you like a wild herd of buffaloes?
In an effort to minimize stress The Peorian and I are
devoting a three-part series to minimizing and conquering
stress. Each of the three parts will focus on a different
aspect, including attitude, leisure hours, and work life. I
hope this series will give you some down-to-earth, helpful
tips for making 2012 and beyond a little less stressful and
more serene.
Below is the third and final part of the series. Parts one
and two were published in the previous two editions of
The Peorian.